In episode 2 of the podcast, Ms. Amber and her special guest, Ms. Shannah, share expert insights and helpful tips for parents navigating the potty training journey. With a combined experience of over 25 years in childcare, they discuss signs of readiness, clothing choices, the importance of making potty training fun, and how to avoid turning it into a power struggle. Whether you’re a parent or a teacher, join them for valuable advice to make the potty training process smoother for both you and your child.
Meet Ms. Shannah – the regional Director extraordinaire at Loving Start Learning Centers! With over 25 years of experience in early childhood education, she’s a true superstar. When she’s not busy inspiring young minds, you can find her at home with her three amazing daughters and her loving husband.
Head here to listen in on Apple Podcasts!
Key Highlights:
[00:01 – 08:18] Understanding Potty Training
Look for signs of readiness like dry diapers and interest in the potty.
Host a fun “Potty Party” as a potty training method.
Use rewards like stickers to motivate your child.
[08:19 – 12:08] Dealing With Challenges in Potty Training
Patience is key with setbacks and delays.
Help your child manage fears of loud bathroom sounds.
Understand that potty training consistency between home and school can vary.
[12:09 – 17:09] Pull Ups vs Underwear
Pull ups act like diapers and may not help in training.
Using underwear can make children more aware and responsive to accidents.
Pull ups could be used when going out, but underwear is generally preferred.
Teaching kids to dress and undress helps them become more independent.
[17:10 – 22:43] Making Potty Training Fun
Look for signs of readiness before starting potty training.
Avoid pressuring kids to potty train by a deadline.
Use fun rewards to encourage kids during potty training.
Send lots of clothes to school during potty training and cooperate with teachers.
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